Monday, November 25, 2013

Using Mindfulness to Get Your Priorities Straight

Ever feel like you are in one place but you really need to be in another?  You have that 'to-do' list that as you cross one thing off, two more things are added and it keeps growing?  And you can't get it off your mind?  You wish you could be in two places at once.

Mindfulness teaches us to be present and to be where we are.  It teaches us to leave the past and future thoughts and get the most out of what you are doing at the present moment.  And that's one way of dealing with the problem of not being able to focus in the present moment.

However, when you really are not getting your priorities addressed, you are probably in the wrong place.  Being mindful will also help you know when you are in the wrong place and get to the right place.

I don't claim to be perfectly mindful.  Nor do I claim to be 100% dedicated to my meditation practice. But because of my practice and knowledge, I know when I need to step back and get re-aligned. When I'm not being fully present, I usually realize it pretty quickly and get mindfully present.  I highly recommend it for an amazing life and business with amazing results.  Lately, though, I've been losing sight of my priorities.  And the universe has a funny way of showing us when things are out of whack!

A lot of external demands are getting my attention lately.  One of those is my 2 1/2 year old waking almost every night again for about a month, hence, I'm working on less sleep and  much less deep sleep - which is what we require for our cognitive function to be at its best.  That one can't really be controlled - except that I need to get to bed earlier (which is a blog in itself!).

However, I also have had other demands that I've been giving my attention to - others wanting to meet, the feeling that I must be networking all the time, responding to emails as soon as possible, the ever lengthening list of newsletters I must read, taking care of my family, being there for my friends in need - you know that list.  Well, yeah, my list is looking like this lately.  And if I wasn't going to do something about it, the universe was.

Last night, I had an awful dream and woke with a feeling that I couldn't shake.  I had a 9:00 full-day networking event scheduled, I had to pack for a trip I'm leaving for tomorrow, and I have at least four items on my list that I must get done before I leave.  I managed to get my daughter to daycare (my hubby is traveling for work) and arrive just a few minutes into the 9:00 session.  I sat through the first session trying desperately to pay attention but my mind wandered to my 'to-do' list. Knowing I have full control of my thoughts, I began to practice accepting that I have a lot to do and I'm here now so be here.

I managed to get through the morning, but I was almost forcing my pitch to potential clients.  I certainly was not in the right head space.  Then, I found out that I was on the list for pitching my business one on one to potential clients for the afternoon.  Last week, my printer broke, and I did not get my brochures printed for this event - however, I was OK with that because I didn't think I was on that list!  I took a moment to think about what would happen if I pitched my business without feeling prepared.  And I decided to give up my coveted seat for the afternoon session to someone on the wait-list.  I was feeling guilty while driving home, my mind was in the clouds, and I was stopped by a police officer for speeding!  Yes!  I got a ticket!

I really need to be in the office right now.  I need to take care of business.  I need to focus.  I need to clear off my desk.  Although all of the things demanding my attention are important, my priorities lie at taking care of other things, including taking care of my sleep!

Being mindful is not woo-woo and fluff.  In fact, it's as practical as it gets.  When you are mindful, you inquire about your feelings and thoughts.  When mind wandering started for me this morning (and recent weeks), I questioned what was going on for me to be unable to focus.  Lack of sleep was the first answer, of course.  But I continued to dig and got to the real answers - for me it is literally to spend time in the office getting things done and stop feeling guilty about not networking enough.. When you have the real answers, you can find the solutions that really work, rather than the band-aid ones.

If your list is growing and you really feel you are in the wrong place, try closing your eyes, pay attention to the feeling and sound of your breath, and question - what do you really need to be doing in order to enable yourself to feel present in your life?  What is the ONE thing you can do that will make a big difference to your focus and productivity?  Then do that.  Scratch off all the things that aren't real priorities and get your priorities straight.  And while you're at it, spend a little time meditating - because that will help you feel better in all ways.

Tina Pomroy uses mindfulness as a tool for managers, leaders, and business owners to be highly productive, lead high performing teams, and experience peace and happiness at work and in life.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hire Higher

So many people have asked me how to hire the right people that will stay.  There are many solutions for attraction and retention challenges, and the right one for you depends on your culture and current practices.  However, finding the right person will depend on being the right environment.

I recently heard about a young woman interviewed at a photography studio.  She is a smart, enthusiastic young lady with a strong work ethic who gets enjoyment out of serving customers with excellence.  When she was called to be interviewed that same day, she cancelled an appointment in order to prepare for the interview.  She was excited to potentially have her first job as a photographer - she'd already taken courses, had fun with the camera, given all of her friends and family the gift of photography, and was ready for a paid photography experience.

The young woman was seated in the customer area when she arrived... and that's where she stayed for an hour.  The interviewer joined her for a few minutes to give her forms to complete and left her again. When the interviewer returned, she asked about hours of availability, and then, "Do you want the job?"  The young lady said yes.  The interviewer then proceeded to tell her about all of the awful job applicants she had received and the problems they have with recruitment and retention.  Customers were in ear shot and the other employees carried on with each other having fun.... but in an unprofessional manner.  All of this was noted by the young woman being interviewed.

The young woman accepted the job... with a caveat she didn't share with the interviewer.  She was accepting the position to gain experience, and then she would leave.  She had no intention of working in such an unprofessional environment for a long period of time.  She valued excellence in customer service and wanted to work in an environment that also valued that kind of excellence.

This is not the first time I've heard a story like this.

If you want to hire 'higher'.... give your current management and employees the skills required to perform higher.  Create a professional workplace that people with the right skills will want to work in... and stay working in.  If you want to hire a person with excellence in specific skills or attitudes, make sure your workplace IS that first.

Excellence in management and leadership is the first requirement to hire higher.  Finding and keeping the right person for the job is about first having an environment that person wants to work in.

Start cultivating excellence among your current team, and the right people will begin to show up... and will be more likely to stay.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flat Tire

Several years ago, I was driving on the highway with my young daughter and I got a flat tire.  I'd driven my car for numerous work trips across our geographically large province, some trips totaling over 2000 km in distance.  My poor tire had enough.  It had worn thin.  It wasn't strong enough to withstand whatever it was I drove over that day, and it flattened.

My daughter was probably around 10 years old at the time.  Of course, Mama had to be the rescuer!  However, Mama didn't have the strength to remove the nuts off the tires to get the tire off!  So I did the next best thing.  When a motorcyclist stopped, I accepted his help.  Less than a half hour later, we waved off our lovely savior and laughed most of the way home.

It was so easy to laugh off that experience.  It was a sunny day.  We were giggling at me trying to get the nuts off the tire.  The whole event was just a blip in life and we shared the hilarious story many times afterwards.

Why then, is it so hard to fix the figurative flat tire in life?

When you are an entrepreneur, or a manager, or a parent.... you are on 'Go' from the moment you wake to the moment your head hits the pillow at night.  You may even have trouble sleeping even though you're totally wiped.  At some point, your energy depletes like the air in a tire and you go flat.  You get unfocused.  You might scream at someone.  You forget to tell your husband that you need him to take the baby to daycare in the morning, resulting in a messy morning (yes, this happened to me recently). You are busy but unproductive.

You have a flat tire.

And you need to fill it with air or other things will start to break.

You know this feeling of a flat tire.  It comes as confusion.  Overwhelm.  Chaos.  Indecisiveness.  Negativity.  Low energy.  A feeling of spinning your wheels - which is kind of funny since you have a flat tire!

And you know what to do to fix it.  Take a break.  Breathe.  Meditate.  Exercise.  Do some yoga.  Walk in nature.  Talk it out with a coach.  Organize your thoughts.  Revisit your vision.  All  mindfulness techniques.

But you don't.  You keep on going with your flat tire until you have heart palpitations.  (I know this because I've had them.)

The answer to fixing your flat tire is awareness.  Openness.  And practice.  Know the signs.  Open yourself to just being and freeing your mind.  Practice a mindfulness technique daily.  And experience the harmony it brings to your business and your life.

Oh, and accept help from others.  And laugh.  Without those things, I'd still be on the highway with a flat tire.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stage Presence: How Dance is Like Leadership

My daughter and I are dancers.  As my daughter prepares for re-entering dance as a big part of her life, I am reflecting on dance and what it has meant for us.

When I danced much more seriously than I do now, I remembered every step.  I was usually placed in front of the class or stage.  I was selected for ballet exams.  I was selected for a performing group.  Every style I tried, I learned with ease.  I was technically a good dancer.

My daughter was also selected for ballet exams, remembered her steps, and was selected to be a dance teacher assistant.  She tried many styles of dance and was good at all of them.  But here's the difference.  She had stage presence.  This made her a much better dancer.

When my daughter stepped onto the stage, she was a performer.  She had an amazing smile and tilt of her head.  She had expression.  Her passion and desire for the dance made the audience feel like time stood still.  She knew how to engage the audience with her presence.  It didn't matter if she made a technical error or that one of the other girls was technically better.  She shone and continues to shine on stage.

As a teenager, she has no idea what this has to do with leadership.  As a leader and a person who teaches leadership, I see some connections, and here are four:

Love.  She loves dance.  She loves what she's doing.  She'd perform every day if she could.  She'd dance all day long.  She isn't working on making a smile on her face... she really is smiling!  The engagement of the audience isn't something she purposefully made happen... she really is engaging.

Practice.  As with any kind of performance, you have to practice your dance routine.  A lot.  It takes hours of commitment, many mistakes, and sometimes painful feet.  And, yeah, sometimes tears.  To become that person on stage that has the technical excellence as well as the presence, you go further, you dance more, and you make the practice a priority in your life.

Questioning.  When she missed a class, she had to ask someone to help her know the steps.  When she was not bending far enough into a pliĆ©, she had to ask her teacher how she could master the depth required to perform better in exams.  If she was practicing on stage and she wasn't in line with everyone else, she had to ask where she was supposed to stand.  Dance is not a solo act.

Authenticity.  This is what made my daughter a better dancer.  We both loved, practiced, and questioned.  That made both of us good dancers.  But she stands out because of her authenticity. She has her own style.  She realizes her dream and lets go of inhibitions.  For a year or two, she lost this... having normal teenage fears.  But when she is her most authentic self, time stands still as she glides across the stage.... bringing tears to this mamas eyes! ;)

So where's the connection with leadership?  

Love.  The best leaders love their work and the contribution they are making to the people they lead. They have a great passion for contributing to society and the world.  To lead well, that passion is natural.  A great leader needs to find that love and follow it.

Practice.  Excellence in leadership is practiced for many years.  It takes making a lot of mistakes and learning from them.  It takes a continual effort at improving and practicing leadership skills.  You don't start out at 3 years old as a prima ballerina.  It starts with music and movement.  You have to get the basic steps mastered before you can  move on to performing on stage without error (don't you love the 3- and 4-year old performers, though?!).  Some say leaders are born, others say they are made.  I say, you can have a natural ability to lead, but you have to practice and make mistakes and be open to learning how to do it better in order to be excellent.  I also say that in your practice, you need to let others be right and try things on that you may not believe is right.  This allows a leader to see others' perspectives and be able to lead different people better.  You go further.  You are not satisfied with a good job.  You want to make a difference and make the biggest difference you can.

Questioning.  One of the biggest fears of many leaders is that someone will find out they don't know the answer.  If you've ever felt this, you are NOT alone!  A great leader questions.  They know they do not have all the answers, and they let others know.  They are good leaders.  Not encyclopedias (or, for the younger generation, Google:).  When they are stuck, they seek answers from others.  When they don't have the expertise, they find someone who does.  They collaborate.  And they ask questions to everyone, no matter what their position or title.  The team they lead will be asked to contribute their individual knowledge, skills, and unique attributes.  This not only makes the leader a better leader, but it engages the team.

Authenticity.  People can feel if something is forced or 'faked'.  If a leader is not being truthful with him or herself, they will not be authentic with others.  This takes work for many.  Knowing yourself is the key for excellence in leadership and for engaging your team.  A leader typically does not make it to that role without the technical knowledge and skills required.  But without exploring who you are, how you can make an impact, and what your unique style is, you may technically be a good leader, but you probably aren't bringing tears to the audience's eyes.

If you are looking for stage presence in your leadership, contact Tina at about the Business Buddha Leadership Coaching program or the Mindful Management Program for managers and leaders of any group or business.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Judgement Day

Have you ever caught yourself judging a person?  We all do it... some more than others.  I'm working on reducing my judgement, and as a result I'm much more aware of it when I do it.

Last weekend, I was playing on the beach with my 2-year old.  It was sunny, the beach was spattered with people relaxing and playing, and my husband had gone snorkeling in the ocean.  I noticed a lady who was very skinny... anorexic skinny.  My first reaction was: "Oh my gosh, how could she do that to herself?"  (Total judgement!)  Then I saw a man come over and hug her and rub her back with affection.  And I thought: "She is surrounded by love... her sister (twin) is there with her.... a young child is there with her... a loving man is there with her."  And THEN I felt different.  I felt compassion.  I felt a little sadness.  I felt like going over there and giving her a hug.  I realized that I was in judgement... for about 30 seconds.

I have no idea what this woman's challenges were.  I do not even know if she had anorexia, which is a serious disease, and how dare I judge?!  And it doesn't matter if the woman is surrounded by love or totally alone.  It doesn't matter if she's perfectly healthy or near death.  How dare I judge.

Here's the message.  We never know.  Even if we did know, we don't know.  Because it's THEIR life and THEIR experiences.  We can't know.  We can only send love.  And compassion.  And when it's someone in our lives or someone we CAN touch, we help if we can and if they accept.

In business, it's exactly the same.  How many times have you said, "I can't believe he did that."  "If she did the course, she must know what to do."  "Who comes to work late?"  "How disrespectful of him to not call to let us know he'll be late."  "She must be lazy - she's so unproductive."  "The younger generation just doesn't have any loyalty."  "I would never do what he did."  The list goes on and on and on.... doesn't it?

I had a chat with a business owner recently who hired a cook.  He said, "Doesn't everyone know how to peel potatoes?  I don't understand how he cannot know how to peel a potato!"  Well.... no, not everyone knows how to peel potatoes.  The fact is, unless they've been taught and/or had the experience, they don't know.  And maybe, they do know, but their way is different.  Maybe they were taught differently.  As a manager, it's your responsibility to hire as well as possible and then guide your employee towards excellence.  Not judge.  Help them move through their challenges so they CAN be excellent at what you've hired them to do.

Next week, try to be aware of when you make a judgement about an employee or team member.  Think of all the possible reasons they might have said what they said or done what they did.  And realize that it's not your place to judge, rather guide.

How are you going to guide this week?


Monday, August 5, 2013

The Buddha in Business

A few people have questioned my use of 'Business Buddha' in my programs.  So, I had to question it myself.  Do I really want to use that term - Buddha?  Does it turn away my clients?  Does it portray something I'm not?

For now, I'm keeping it.  And here's why....

Indeed, Buddhism is a religion and my programs have nothing to do with religion.  However, the word Buddhism comes from 'budhi', which means 'to awaken'.  In today's world, Buddhism can also mean a way of being, rather than simply a religion.  That way of being is to be aware and mindful of your thoughts and actions and develop understanding and wisdom.

Taking these concepts to business can shift challenges into success and create happier, more productive work environments.

We often get lost in the day to day and lose sight of what is truly important and how we can ease conflicts and frustrations.  Business managers and leaders are faced with decisions and work overload and responsibility on top of their day to day activities.  When they are acting and making decisions that are not mindful, it creates a ripple effect in their teams, organizations, customers, and all stakeholders.  It creates arguments, mistakes, resentment, gossip, poor performance, loss of customers, negative publicity, and the list goes on.  Thinking and behaving mindfully can reverse all of this.

I focus on leaders and managers because they are the catalysts in their organizations and groups.  They lead the way.  Effective leaders create leaders, and they will create leaders similar to them.  Imagine a workplace where leaders cultivate other mindful employees.  Responding to customer inquiries becomes easier.  Collaboration soars.  Change will flow more easily.  New programs will be implemented without so much drama attached to them.  AND, people go home to their families happy.

And that's what my Business Buddha Program can do for you.  We take your business and people challenges and shift your thinking about them.  We create solutions to catapult your organization and team in the right direction.  We do it by using mindfulness and understanding.

This is not the soft, fluffy side of business.  This is business done right.  I'm pretty sure most would consider Google to be a successful organization.  Google is just one business that uses mindfulness as a business strategy.  And it's working.


Contact Tina Pomroy at to learn more about the 
Business Buddha Program.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Is the Workplace a Place for Mindfulness?

Some might ask, "What does mindfulness have to do with productivity and business success?"  People that already practice mindfulness might respond, "Everything."

Mindfulness is a moment by moment awareness of how your actions, words, and behaviors impact yourself, others, and the environment around you.  Contrary to some beliefs, you do not have to be dressed in an orange robe chanting in the mountains to be mindful.  Nor does it simply mean meditation.  It is your way of being in life, at work, around others, when you're alone.  And it greatly impacts your health, relationships, and success.

Do you believe your work is part of your life?  It usually takes up almost 1/3 of our life.  Yet, so many people dread Mondays and watch the calendar for Fridays.  Five out of seven days of the week - gone.  Life is too short to not love your Mondays.  Would you LIKE to be happy and healthy - always?  Would you like for your team and the people around you to LIKE coming to work?

One of the key roles of a manager is to create an environment for his or her team to be productive, innovative, and self-sufficient.  Companies spend big bucks on training for reducing waste and improving productivity.  But without the right environment, it's all a waste!

Mindful management can help create the environment for a team to be driven, passionate, productive, and creative.  A mindful environment will cultivate the transfer of new skills and improve adaptability when the internal or external environment changes.  Mindfulness reduces stress, which is a huge contributor to health issues - which impact the workplace.  Mindfulness can help an organization get rid of gossip, align a team's thinking with the company's vision, and reduce complaining and other negative behaviors in the workplace.

So, yes, the workplace is the place for mindfulness.

My  mission is to contribute to creating a mindful world where acceptance is the norm, individual strengths are nurtured, and happiness is attained through action and contribution.  Our workplaces need to be mindful in order to have this world and life.  Our managers and leaders need to lead the way.

How can you be more mindful today and lead others to be the same?


Tina Pomroy is launching the Mindful Management Program starting this Fall and offering a 50% discount.  To be the change you want to see, contact Tina at 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Solution is Not a Fix

Have you ever worked in an organization that held a social event to improve employee morale?  Or maybe a rewards and recognition program was implemented to try to boost productivity?  Have you ever thought that the new HR initiative was laughable because it certainly didn't address your problems?

Often, the signs are evident for low morale or productivity.  The numbers can clearly demonstrate low sales or profits or high accident rates.  When an organization has low morale, the symptoms may include negativity, unwillingness, lack of cooperation, gossip, mistakes, absenteeism (or worse, presenteeism!), missing deadlines, tardiness, high stress, and on and on.  Low morale has high costs for an organization.  Turnover of excellent people and low productivity are two common costs.  Most organizations know this and try to solve the issue with a fix.

I once worked with an organization that had happy hour on Friday afternoons.  We would all have a beer in the office or go to a bar for a drink to socialize and relax.  It was the organization's leader's way of attempting to have high employee morale.  However, this leader didn't trust his employees to do good work.  He was a micro manager.  He yelled at employees in public.  He made grown men cry... I kid you not.  So do you think a Friday afternoon happy hour worked?  Of course not!  It was a fix... maybe temporary... but it was far from a solution.

A fix works only temporarily.  In my case above, it may have worked for one week or two. But the positive impact quickly shifted to one of resentment.  That's what happens when a fix is used to solve a problem instead of finding the real solution.

In order to find the real solution to a problem, you have to dig.  You have to be ready to hear the hard stuff.  You need to be ready and committed to real change.  It takes time.  It takes commitment.

Take a rewards program, for example.  If you already have relationship issues in the workplace, and you implement a rewards and recognition program, jealousy and resentment is likely not far behind.  When someone gets recognized in an uncooperative work environment, darts can not be thrown from the eyes faster.

"HE got rewarded, and I did all the work."

"I can't believe she is getting recognition for that and it's just part of her job anyway."

"He is getting a bonus but he doesn't do a thing all day!"

Sound familiar?  A cooperative, and yes, loving and supportive, culture is required for a truly successful rewards and recognition program.  The solution for inspiring employees to do great work may include a rewards and recognition program, but not until the root problems, such as creating a supportive culture, are identified and real solutions are put in place.

Take a look at your organization or team (no matter how big or small).  What are some of the challenges you have?  Ask yourself and others.... what are the root causes of those challenges?  THAT's where you will find your solution.  And maybe you can avoid wasting your time and money on a fix.

Tina Pomroy's Mindful Leadership Fitness System uses Truth as the first phase of identifying root causes to the problems clients present to her.  See Pomroy Consulting Inc's Facebook page or contact Tina at  for a free consultation for enhancing the leadership, management, and culture in your organization.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do You Need a Coach?

Do you have a coach?  Do you know what a coach can do for you?  Do you know what a coach does?  What the heck is a coach anyway?

Everyone's heard of a baseball coach, a hockey coach, or a tennis coach.  And now a new coach is on the block - an executive coach or leadership coach.  The role of all coaches are similar, really.

Like a sport coach, a business-related coach's role is to build a leader's self-reliance and help him or her handle his or her own problems and challenges.  A coach provides the tools and skills for managing the mind, managing time and priorities, and building leadership skills so that the leader does not depend on the coach.

A sport coach will create team spirit, individual leadership ability, and self confidence and commitment to be a better player.  Imagine a national sports team without a coach.  How do you think the team would perform?  Now, imagine a little league team without a coach.  What would it look like?  Chaotic?  Full of conflict?  Lack vision and team cohesion?  A business coach brings these things too - regardless of the size and nature of the business or organization.

A business or leadership coach helps a leader when he or she:

  • has difficulty managing his or her own time or projects
  • has difficulty managing others
  • is having a challenge working cohesively with someone else
  • has been promoted to a new position and now needs to lead former peers
  • has a disengaged team and needs greater influence and a more empowered team
  • feels stuck
A business and leadership coach will give you the tools to be yourself, get aligned, and lead with power and passion.  One must lead him or herself first and then create other leaders for high performance.  In order to continue to grow and develop as a person and as a leader, we face challenges.  That's how we grow.  The best leaders have coaches to help them move through the challenges.  

If you feel like you need more time in the day to get everything done or feel that your team is not as engaged as they need to be for success, try using a coach!  The benefits far outweigh the costs when you get the right coach for you and your organization.

Tina Pomroy is a Mastermind Executive Coach with a Master of Business Administration and Canadian Human Resources Professionals certification.  Using a values-based system and mindfulness approach,.she provides leaders, business owners, and managers coaching and mentoring to create high performance environments.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Is A Happy Work Environment Really Possible?

Let's face it.  Work is messy.  It will always be messy.  It's WORK.  Challenges will present themselves.  Everything will not happen the way you planned.  Everyone will not be on the same page all the time.  People will bring personal *hit to work.  Someone will unquestionably insult you at some point.  Your buttons will be pushed.  Gossip and negative talk will happen.

So, is it really possible to work in a happy work environment?


Happy is a choice.  It's how you choose to respond to a situation.  It's how aware you are of your own reactions and why you respond that way.  It's being mindful of why someone else is responding the way they are.

Indeed, toxic work environments exist.  But here's the thing... you can choose to respond differently.  You can shift how you view a situation.  You can smile instead of sneer.  You can purposefully send love to the person annoying you rather than any other negative emotion.  And when you do, you not only make yourself happier, but you stop a negative chain reaction and start a positive ripple effect.

Consider this... Maybe your colleague has pushed your buttons because SHE is feeling insecure.  Maybe your client is being difficult because HE just found out his Mom is sick.  Maybe the front desk clerk is not being cooperative because she is following a system that has been put in place and does not know how to adapt it.

In these cases, we often find ourselves getting angry or judgmental or irritated.  The amazing thing about the human mind is that when we notice these feelings, we can shift them.  We can choose to see the situation differently.  When that car cuts in front of you, and you start to feel ticked off, you can say to yourself, "That guy might be in a hurry to get to his child's school because he is late to pick his child up."  Wouldn't you be in a hurry then?

Every situation can be perceived in a different way in your mind.  And how you react, feel, and respond to every one is YOUR choice.

So, yes.  Happy work environments are possible.  It's how YOU perceive it.  It's your choice.  And it takes practice to build new pathways in your mind that will help you more automatically respond in a more positive way.  Start practicing it now.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Got Calm?

Leaders and managers are faced with a plethora of demands on a daily basis.  When one problem is solved, two more are created.  When a project is delivered, a new one begins.  The future of business needs to be assessed while day-to-day operations take place... and sometimes past errors need to be fixed.  It's an endless amount of work.  And it can cause stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and negative results or emotions.

Bringing mindfulness to your day to day interactions and decisions increases your calm.  Even in a crazy, fast-paced, results-driven environment, you can have calm.  It takes practice.  But when you learn and implement a mindful way of relating to people, making decisions, managing your time, and creating your future, you will experience higher productivity, greater innovation, fewer conflicts, less turnover, greater happiness, and the list goes on.

Imagine a work environment where meetings flow smoothly, negativity is effectively shifted to possibility, difficult situations are overcome easily, everyone is working towards a common vision, and performance is high.  Increasing the mindfulness in your organization can bring you that environment.

Where do you begin?  It starts with a commitment to being more mindful as a leader or manager.  Once you make that commitment, practicing new techniques will form habits that will change your world.  Here's a good place to start... take 10 minutes each day to sit.  Do nothing else but sit.  When a thought comes to you, acknowledge it (there's a thought) and let it go.  Yes.  Meditate:)  It's the first step to becoming more mindful and creating calm at work and in your life.

Get calm with Pomroy Consulting Inc.'s mindful leadership and management coaching and mentoring programs.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Four Lessons: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

30 days.  30 minutes.  Every day.  Did you do it?

Well, I managed 20 days out of 30 of dedicated nature time.  The days I connected, regardless of the weather, were more productive and higher energy days.  When I did not get out in nature for more than one day at a time, I felt a decline in my energy, which resulted in procrastinating or self limiting thoughts.  Thankfully, I'm aware of my human-ness and knew what I had to do.

I started combining my nature time with other commitments and values.  So, I went outside to play with my youngest daughter instead of playing inside, walked a trail with a friend instead of having coffee at a coffee shop, took a walk instead of going for a drive to soothe the baby, or sat on a bench to read instead of in a comfy reading chair at home.  And I got it done!  But it was not only 'done'...

In the beginning of this challenge, I wanted to spend 30 minutes every day connecting to nature without other distractions.  This just wasn't happening at this time of my life.  So... I had to let go of that commitment I made and be OK with letting it go.  Surrendering... hard to do, hey?  But I did.  And as a result, I was able to replace that heavy feeling of guilt (from not following through on my original intent) with a feeling of gratefulness that I CAN spend time with my family and friends in nature and I'm actually connecting with people while IN nature.

It takes 21-days of commitment to something to make a habit change.  I took on a clean eating lifestyle change at the same time I took on the 30x30 challenge.  I was very successful in my clean eating habit changes and moderately successful in my nature challenge.  Why?  Sometimes we make our goals too big or take on too many things at once.  The lesson I keep getting in my life is push yourself just the right amount outside your comfort zone.  If it's too much, you won't do it .  If it's too little, you won't grow.  Was the nature challenge too much outside my comfort zone?  No way!  But taking on two habit changes at the same time while also being the most busy I've been in my business since its inception last Fall and taking on two other online courses... yeah, that was just a little too much.  And... when you have choose, you'll do what you've MADE most important (whether it really is most important or not).  For me, eating clean meant less inflammation in my body, which meant less pain.  I made that commitment stronger.

So, here are four tips for making change in your life:

First, get clear on what is most important and why.  In the case of this nature challenge, I'm perfectly clear that nature is incredibly important to me and the challenge has made this even more clear.  The REASON for that is because it makes me mentally and physically healthy and strong.  Why is that important?  Because I want to be around to enjoy life and my loved ones for a long time... being ACTIVE - and I need physical and mental strength to do the things I want to do.

Second, determine if the challenge or habit change fits into your life at that time.  It has to fit into your schedule... be part of your life like brushing your teeth.  If you can't fit it in, determine if you can let other things go.  Do you value everything that is on your schedule now?  Do you REALLY value what you want to take on?  Do you REALLY want to change?  Hindsight being 20x20, I know I could have made changes to my schedule and I could have gotten out there those 10 days that I did not.  However, something stood in my way.  Some days it was laziness.  Some days it was procrastination.  Some days it was simply because I had too much to do and didn't put emphasis on getting outside to connect.  Knowing these things brings me to the next tip.

Third, tweak.  I am not giving up.  This really is important to me.  I value it.  It makes me perform at a higher level.  It makes me feel good.  I want this in my daily life - no matter what.  So, I'll tweak.  I'll find something in my current schedule that can go (no, not blogging!)... possibly my morning Facebook time... yes, that could go.  And I'll be more aware of when I AM lazy or procrastinating and I'll just continue to do better.  Continuous improvement is the key to long-term success.

Fourth, get an accountability partner.  My husband was mine, BUT it was not a formalized arrangement.  He encouraged and supported me without me giving permission for him to do so.  You need to have a clear and formal understanding with your accountability partner that when you are not doing what you said you'd do, they need to know and have your permission to use three motivational methods (things that motivate YOU) that will help you follow through.

The best thing that came out of my experience is this:  I enjoyed nature 20 times over the past 30 days.  Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.  Getting out into the trees helps you see the forest.  I'm celebrating!

Pomroy Consulting Inc. helps leaders and managers of organizations, communities, and groups lead change, have meaningful relationships with stakeholders, and intentionally create cultures using mindfulness and best business practices.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Get Back Up: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

OK, so it's Day 22 of the 30x30 David Suzuki Nature Challenge and I was already knocked down once, got back up, and here I am again!  I haven't spent my 30 minutes in nature for the last three days!  I have excuses that I won't share because it doesn't matter.  I committed and I've fallen.  Again.

A Japanese proverb states: "Fall down seven times, get up eight."  This simply means, keep trying.

So I'm getting back up again.  I'm keeping on trying.  I'm committed.  

Have you fallen down on something at work lately?  How can you get back up?  That's how you will be a successful and powerful leader or manager.  Get back up.  And keep getting back up.

Monday, May 20, 2013

3 Lessons from the Kids: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

I spent the last week visiting my nieces and nephew (and brother and sister-in-law) in Manitoba.  Combine three kids under five with my 30x30 nature challenge, and I got some lessons to share:)

Lesson #1 - Play to Perform

We spent time jumping on the trampoline, playing in playgrounds, digging in dirt, and doing photo shoots in the trees.  The kids can pretty much create any story while playing and find solutions to any challenge they face.  Imagine having some play time at the office or work site?  Science tells us that play is as important as sleep for our health - it stimulates learning, fosters creativity, lessens stress and anxiety, teaches perseverance and cooperation, and... makes us happy!  The next time you are faced with a work challenge or need to be creative, go climb a tree or play a game on a trampoline.

Lesson #2 - Give Some One-on-one

Each day throughout the week, I gave one of the three kids individual attention - while trying to combine it with my nature time.  It was virtually impossible to really get to know each child when you are simultaneously settling a crying infant, managing a climbing toddler, and attempting to entertain a brilliant four year old.  Spending alone time with each of them helped me know their little personalities and the best way to interact with them to maximize our short time together.  This is not different from adults.  If you manage or lead people, give them some one-on-one time.  Get to know them.  When you know who they are, what they are good at, and what they enjoy, you can manage performance, reward, and connect with them much more effectively.  How about getting your nature and one-on-one time by going for a walk with a different team member each day?

Lesson #3 - Let Silence do the Talking

My oldest daughter came to Manitoba with me and we managed to get time hanging out in nature.  While silently sitting on a bench in a breezy park overlooking a lake, my daughter started talking about her future.  The wind, the chirping birds, and the silence gave her the head space she needed to start creating her vision.  Our brains are busy and often overloaded with information and to-do lists.  We are most productive when our brains are clear.  Give yourself at least 10 minutes of silence every day.  Let your thoughts pass through your  mind without diving into them, rather label a thought as a thought and move on from it.  Even better - do this in nature.  You will be thankful for the greater ability to focus, get clear on the bigger picture, respond to challenges easier, and create your own future.

None of these concepts are new.  But do you play every day?  Do you give your team members one-on-one time regularly?  Do you make it a daily practice to silent your mind?  If so, congratulations!  If not, start creating these habits for higher performance in work and life!

Kids are the greatest teachers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Get Knocked Down: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

It's Day 13.  This is more than a challenge of being in nature.  This is a performance challenge.  This is a leadership challenge.  This is a challenge of integrity.

So on Days 10, 11, and 12 I was completely swamped.  Family from away were visiting.  I spent a full day traveling across the country.  And I was putting the finishing touches on a few deadlines.  Today, I got my 30 minutes of nature in... at a park surrounded by trees with the sun shining and smiling faces of my niece and nephew playing.  I missed my nature!!!

And this is the lesson.  You fall down.  And you get up.  Don't make excuses.  Just do what you have to do and get on with it.

Where have you fallen?  Did you get back up?  That's the important part... getting back up.  We all get knocked down.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reflect: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

It's Day 7 of David Suzuki's 30x30 Nature Challenge!  Someone asked me if this challenge has had an impact on me.  The answer: Yes.  I'm feeling more balanced, more creative, more driven, and the brain breaks have helped me be more productive.

I've had to squeeze my connection to nature in for the past two days.  Looking at my schedule over the next few days, though, my solo challenge may have to change to family time.

On Monday I went to a bench near a pond surrounded by trees.  Birds were squawking, ducks were landing in the water, and my head was swarmed by mosquitoes!  Yes... it's finally Spring here!  It's blissful.  Most of my time on Monday was spent in self-reflection.

I've been working on my goals and vision and had to ask friends and colleagues questions about me.  Honest answers really made me think.  Thirty minutes of self-reflection after hearing how you inspire and also challenge people is a good exercise - for everyone, especially leaders and managers.  I feel better equipped to become a better leader myself and also to help you become a better leader in your work and life.

Being incredibly busy on Tuesday, I had to find something to motivate me to get outside throughout the work day.  The sun did it.  I literally squeezed a 25 minute connection to nature in between two appointments.  I sat near a babbling brook and felt the heat of the sun on my face.  Along the trail, I had a serendipitous meeting with a fellow coach from DMW Coaching and had a great chat which left me feeling settled.  Good things happen when you create openings for opportunities.

My challenge for you today is to go out in nature and reflect on your strengths and areas you need to work on in order to reach your vision.  If you don't have a vision.... start working on it.  You can't reach it without knowing what it is.  And like Suzanne Conrad from igolu says, if you don't know your own vision, you are living someone else's.

Thank-you for being my accountability partner(s) in this challenge.  If you need one, drop me a line or post on my Facebook page about how you are doing with your challenge and if it's making a difference in your performance.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Going Off The Trail: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

It's Day 5 of the 30x30 David Suzuki Nature Challenge.  I'm sharing my journey of the challenge with you and aligning it with having a higher performance at work and in life.  I'm an outdoorsy person, so my challenge is to intentionally get more out of being 'out there'.

This past weekend we had SUN!  For those readers who do not know Newfoundland weather... sun is a rarity for us, and when we get it, we take advantage!  So going outside wasn't hard.  But getting my intentional connection to nature was just a little more difficult.

My weekends are sacred.  I spend time with my family, and this is very important to me.  However, my husband and I have an arrangement - we each get a weekend morning to spend doing whatever we want (child responsibilities go to the other person).  This past weekend, my morning was Sunday.  Before I get to that, let's go to Saturday.

Saturday morning my wee one had gym class bright and early.  After class, we went to a pond with a lovely trail around it.  I let her lead.  Instead of spending my nature time alone in silence, I watched her lead the way in nature.  She squealed in delight when she managed to get down a little step without holding my hand.  She went OFF THE TRAIL... and her curiosity resulted in us finding a grassy area next to the pond that is excellent for yoga or a picnic!  I've been running around this pond for years and have never found this spot.  Going off the trail was so much more exciting.... she already knew how to walk along the trail.  But finding pine cones to tear apart (and taste) and lumpy, bumpy, grassy spots to maneuver through was much more exciting.

Being curious is a wonderful thing.  On the one hand, like my babe, you find and learn new things by questioning and attempting and taking risks.  However, I was curious by observing.  My toddler and I didn't get very far in distance, but I believe I observed more in that 45 minutes than any other time I've been around that pond.

Be curious at work.  Seek out better or different ways to do things... even if you believe you are doing them well.   Let someone else lead the way and you watch.  It is amazing what you might learn - both about the task and the person.  And your performance will likely rise as a result.

Needless to say, my Saturday was amazing and productive after starting it in nature!

Sunday was another story.  I was up very late talking with my mom Saturday night, and then my toddler was awake for an hour throughout the night... Sunday being 'my morning', I slept it away!  What happened then?  I had a slow, lazy afternoon and didn't get what I planned to do done.  I DID get to my hula hooping class with FarOut Fitness and that WAS outside.  So I guess you could say that I did meet the requirements for the nature challenge:)

Here's to getting off the trail!

Friday, May 3, 2013

These Shoes Were (NOT) Made for Walkin': 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

Day 2.  I was up late last night putting final details on a facilitation I was delivering this morning.  I didn't really plan my 30 minutes of nature into my day since I was focused on the morning session and then getting other work goals met this afternoon.  It's definitely not an established habit yet.

After my morning session and grabbing a bite to eat (trying to do 'clean eating' - another challenge) I hopped in my car to go to a coffee shop and write.  Then I realized I would not be able to get my 30 minutes of nature in without my toddler if I didn't do it before the end of my work day.... but I have a work suit and dress shoes on!

I sat in my car wondering what to do... go home and change my clothes?  But I have another meeting later.  Get my sneakers?  But time is of the essence.... so I decided to get with nature with my dress shoes and work suit. I quickly concluded that my goal here is a daily dose of connection - and I can do that no matter what type of clothes I'm wearing.

I found one of my favorite trails in the middle of the city.  It has a resting place along the way next to a babbling brook.  You feel 100 miles away from the city - but you're right in the middle of it.  It's one of the beautiful things about living in my city.  I was happy the resting spot wasn't too far along the trail because I quickly realized these shoes were NOT made for walking!

I was forced to walk a little slower and for a shorter distance.  In order to fulfill my 30 minute commitment, I would have to just sit at the resting place.  And I did.

While I sat, my mind whirled.  I can't help it.  I really did chant for a few minutes and just listened to the babbling brook and chirping birds.  That made ideas come even faster.  So I allowed them to come and I allowed them to leave.  A few stuck.

  1. A challenge is something that challenges YOU.  I get out in nature.  I love it and consider myself an outdoorsy person.  So this 30x30 challenge is not just about enjoying nature for me.  It's getting a dose of it every single day - no matter what (dress shoes or not).  John Maxwell practices the "Rule of 5" - five activities you do every single day that are fundamental to your success.  I believe connecting with nature is one of my "Rule of 5".
  2. Exercise is important.  Connecting is different.  I need to do both.  Separately.  (I did squeeze my butt cheeks while walking nevertheless:)  I will combine the two at times.  But there is value in doing each alone.
  3. I need this for me.  I can bring my toddler out with me and have a nature walk or go for a hike with my teen or hubby.  But my challenge and my need is to connect.  Alone.  It improves my ability to serve others in work and life.
  4. Leaders need this.  The best leaders lead themselves first.  How can you lead yourself without calming the mind and finding that powerful place from which you lead?  Lead self.  Lead others. Create leaders.  That's what a leader does.

I also became a little more clear on my own business vision.  That alone was an amazing thing for me at this juncture in my business (less than a year old).

Your challenge?  Go visit nature and if you're boots/shoes are not made for walkin', just sit... or change your shoes.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Be a Tree: 30 Days to Higher Performance Through Nature

Last night I went to a drumming and crystal bowl session for May Day (organized by Regina Wright and Katie Power from Alive Adventures and Discovery).  I arrived excited and I left with my mind buzzing.  It was truly magical.  When I arrived home, my husband wished he came with me - he was bogged down with work and felt wound up.... bogged down and wound up.  Not a great place to be when you have a lot to do and it seems you don't have enough hours in the day to do it.

Well, there is another kind of bogged down that could help with that feeling.  It's the real bog.  Natural bog.  Nature.

Yesterday, I committed to taking on David Suzuki's 30x30 Challenge - 30 minutes in nature every day for 30 days.  I said I'd share my journey with you.  So here I am.  Sharing.

My morning started late.  My toddler woke an hour later than usual and was up through the night.  As a result, if all went well, I would sit at my desk an hour late.  It was rainy.  And cold.  I have three deadlines over the next week and I've taken on so many things for the month of May that I don't know how I'm going to get it all done.

But I committed.

So I decided to take on an easy nature walk for 30 minutes to start my day - otherwise, I probably wouldn't get my 30 minutes of nature in!  Then I'd be out of integrity, guilt would seep in, I'd be less productive..... and on and on.

I started my walk excited!  I was out in the rain.  It was cold.  I was pumped.  I felt fantastic that I was doing what I said I'd do AND who else was out there??  I passed two people, a dog, numerous ducks, two crows, and a squirrel.  They all seemed perfectly at peace with the weather.

As I walked quickly (may as well get my heart rate up!), I decided to squeeze my butt cheeks.  Yes!  Another challenge from my fitness group (Far Out Fitness) getting done!  Accomplishing two things at once!  My mind raced with ideas for my business.  I was loving the rain on my face.  Life was good.

I was almost back to where I started and realized only 17 minutes passed!  Eeep!  So I slowed down.  And that's when it hit me.

The trees were drinking it in.... just being.  They grow strong and can weather any storm.  And all they do is 'be'.

I walked slowly... sauntered down a path to a bench near a pond and simply watched the rain land in the water.  I spent my remaining time just being.  My mind cleared.

I started my 30 minutes in nature excited and enthusiastic.  I created tons of ideas.  But how can I perform when I'm in that state?  You need the excitement and high energy to create and even execute at times.  But you need the calm and peace in order to execute with intention... to be aligned with your vision... to know what is a priority and what you can delegate or let go of.  I finished my 30 minutes in nature at peace and REALLY ready to take on the day (and wet from the rain:).

Today, I challenge you to BE A TREE in order to have a higher performance at work.  Get out there in nature and get to a tree-like state.  Then go back to work and perform with intention, passion, and clarity.  (Let me know how it goes!)


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What Do You Tolerate?

A friend and business woman had her car broken into last night and her computer was stolen.  A professional photographer had her car broken into a couple of weeks ago and had her photography equipment stolen.  There have been numerous accounts of car break-ins over the past month or so... and the local police are telling the owners of the vehicles they can't do anything about it.

This is not new.  I had a business partner a few years ago who had his truck broken into and his tools of his trade were stolen.  The police said they could not do anything about it.  My father, and long-time business owner, has had crime at his office a few times over the years.  What do you think the police told him every time?

My friend is taking a stand.  She is not tolerating the lack of response from the police.  She is spreading the word and creating ideas to help change a culture to stop crime in our city.  It's true, as business owners particularly, we fear the opinion of others when we voice our intolerance and follow through with it.  We fear that others won't do business with us anymore.  We fear what people will think.

But here is the dilemma when you let fear stand in your way:  What you tolerate stays - and gets worse.  If the police tolerate crime in St. John's, it will continue.  Period.  Like my friend stated, if we tolerate the police doing nothing about crime, our culture will become one of crime.

This applies to everything.  In life.  In business.

What do you tolerate at work?  Are you tolerating lack of integrity from people you work with - employees, managers, clients, suppliers?  Gossip in the workplace?  Low quality work?  Poor performance?  Your culture will evolve based on what you tolerate.

What culture do you want?  What can you NOT tolerate to intentionally create that culture?  Yes.  Culture can be created by intention.  Or it can be created by not intending.  The guarantee is that it WILL be created.

Will you take a stand for creating a culture you want in your city?  Workplace?  Life?  Will you NOT tolerate behaviors that are not in alignment with the culture you dream of?  Or maybe the real question is, what culture do you dream of?  Really?  Then don't tolerate anything less.

Tina Pomroy is a leadership, management and culture consultant, coach, and facilitator.  She helps create the culture, systems, and attitudes needed to bring an organization to life!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Committed to Engagement (a question answered and a question for you)

A few weeks ago I asked my social media community to submit employee engagement questions and I would answer one in my blog.  Interestingly, I received several likes about the idea (and verbal comments that it was a good idea), but only three questions were submitted.  Thank-you to all for your submissions!!

The purpose of social media is to have an ENGAGED community.  I'm skilled at engaging a team, a group at a workshop, or a leader in a coaching conversation.  However, social media is a new way of marketing for me, and I am still learning (I have an amazing marketing coach, Jennifer Trask,  helping me along the way).

All this made me think about the question selected for my blog and how my experience related to it.  The purpose of my blog is to give relevant guidance and ideas to people and organizations that need it.  It is an opportunity for me to share what I know, to contribute in a way I was meant to, and be engaged in my world, while serving and benefiting you.

Below is the answer to the question.  However, I am following my own advice and asking my readers to share: what do you enjoy about this blog and what topics would inspire you to read?  All comments are valuable to me.  I thank you for reading, and very much appreciate your responses in order to create a more engaged community that benefits everyone in it.  I foresee an amazing future of sharing and learning from each other.  You can post your comments here on the blog, on any of my social media sites, or email me at

The question selected for response (and the questioner won a signed copy of Karen Martin's book, "The Outstanding Organization"):

How do recognition and rewards benefit the company in terms of employee engagement?

The key to engaging employees with recognition and rewards is to know who your employees are and provide recognition and rewards that engage them.  Offering public praise to someone who gets embarrassed or does not value that kind of recognition will not get the results you're seeking.  In fact, the employee could become disengaged as a result.

Any kind of appreciation needs to match an individual's values.  Ask your employees what they value.  Ask them what motivates them.  Ask them how they would like to be recognized when they do a good job or when they go beyond what is expected of them.  Not only will your recognition and rewards then match what they desire and value, but they will know you are listening.

Employees will be more engaged when they feel connected emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally.  They are most engaged when they connect to their organization and team in mind, body, and spirit.  High engagement results in higher innovation, excellence in customer service, reduced conflicts, and higher productivity - this all leads to higher profits.

High engagement will also result in higher attraction and retention rates.  When people feel they are making a meaningful contribution, they will stay and talk positively about the organization.  That leads  to others wanting to be part of it.  In a tight labour market, knowing your employees and matching recognition and rewards with their values is one of the greatest ways to address your skills shortage challenges.

When recognition and rewards are used effectively to engage employees, employees will most likely be happier and more energetic as well.  Who doesn't want to work in an environment like that?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lessons from a Young Sandwich Artist

My daughter is a typical 19 year old - going to post-secondary school, creating goals and dreams, planning travels with friends, and working part-time.

At 16 years old, she got her first real job.  She landed a job as a Sandwich Artist in a submarine sandwich restaurant.  She worked there for four weeks (we left for Asia after four weeks but she probably would have left the job anyway).  Within a week, she figured she was absolutely, hands-down continuing her education after high school because she had no intentions of working there forever.

She hated the job.  But she learned something valuable about management.  Here are her lessons:

  • You have to train a new employee.  If only someone showed her the proper way to make the sandwich, she would have had less problems making them and would have made less mistakes.... and had fewer upset customers.
  • The work environment should encourage questions from employees.  When a colleague who has more experience takes over the task a new employee asks about, it not only leaves the employee uninformed about what to do in that situation, but it also results in a little chip being taken out of his or her confidence... and the new employee will be less inclined to ask a question next time - hence, the rate of error will likely increase.
  • The manager really should know how to manage.  When a person is left to manage a team of people and doesn't have the skills, people leave.  And they did.

For a 16 year old's first job, this is impressive learning.  What I learned was that the new generation of kids aren't so different from us.  They want to do a good job... and they need to be shown how to do that.  The difference today is that with technology advancements, a 20-something's world is way bigger than ours was at that age.  They WILL leave if not treated and lead well.

My daughter's second job was with an organization that valued its employees, and she stayed for over a year and a half.  Her boss was supportive of her learning and treated her with respect.  So when my daughter decided she wanted a new challenge and applied for a job more in alignment with her dreams, she gave a month's notice and worked two jobs throughout her Christmas vacation so her boss wasn't stranded and had time to hire another person.  Her boss told her the door is always open if she wanted to return.

As leaders, we need to adapt to the new generation... but the new generation is not so different from us.  When they are treated well, they'll treat our business well.  Having a strong management foundation and Human Management systems will increase your chances of having engaged employees.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Mechanic with the Broken Car

You know the story about the mechanic who has a broken car?  Well, yesterday I was the mechanic.  I teach people how to be more conscious.  To have a higher emotional intelligence.  To breathe in the good and out the bad.  To create clarity from the beginning of a project or task.  And yesterday, I did not listen to me!

As soon as a colleague forced a change onto me - mostly because of unclear expectations in the beginning - I reacted instantaneously with defensiveness.  I found several reasons why I could not make that change as requested.  Then I realized I was being completely unconscious.  If I didn't stop this twirling into oblivion (OK, it wasn't that bad:), I was going to not only probably lose a job, but also reduce my own reputation on something I teach!  Whoa!

I switched my line of thought and gave my ego a talking to.  It's all good now.  I've opened the way to something different, and maybe better.  I've allowed flow into my world.  And I did it because I was AWARE of my unconsciousness.

This is my challenge to you today.  Allow flow into your world.  We all have unconscious moments (some last longer than others).  And we all have the ability to redirect the thoughts and attitude and open to the possibility of a greater opportunity.

When you feel physical signs of anxiety or anger, frustration or overwhelm, you are out of flow.  If you allow the physiological symptoms to continue, you could reach levels of unconscious that become irrational.  Pay attention to your physiological symptoms and when they start to show signs of anxiety or other out of flow emotions, change your thoughts.  Ask yourself: what if you allow this option to happen?  What opportunities could arise?  Have a risk assessment and plan in place if necessary, but be open to flow and allowing things to naturally occur.  And be OK with someone else being right.


Thursday, January 24, 2013


My grandmother used to keep her teabag in her teacup the whole time she drank it.  She liked her tea strong and steeped.  I've recently begun leaving my tea bag in my green tea.  I like it steeped... it extracts the flavors and all the good stuff green tea has to offer.

I've also found myself steeped in my business.

When you start something new, it's like steeping tea.  Your brain is permeated with ideas and new thoughts.  Life and/or work is infused with excitement for this change or new thing introduced to it.  Your passion is ignited.  All the good stuff is extracted from your brain (the tea bag).  You are steeped.

I have created a busy schedule meeting with potential new clients and colleagues and current clients.  Having been in business less than a year, things were moving forward well.  I thought about my business all the time.  I was accessible and responsive at all hours.  Ideas flowed easily and my mind's wheels turned with excitement.  I added new projects.  I wrote proposals offering services.  I developed new programming.  I built my networks.

Then we had a snow storm.

We were without power for a day and my daughter was out of daycare.  That one day put me back two.

Then my daughter got sick.

I had two full days of caring for my sick baby.  My full attention was there.  And now I'm behind another three or four days.

At some point, if you leave the teabag in the cup, it becomes bitter.

Like starting something new in life or work, if you focus solely on the infusion of new thoughts and ideas and excitements, the result isn't so exciting. Infatuation fades. The best cup of tea is steeped just the right amount.  You either have to drink the tea or remove the bag.

Getting in too 'steep' is not only for new projects or ideas.  For example, if your role is to provide leadership to your staff, and you are constantly spending your time managing project budgets and timelines, attending management meetings, and writing reports, are you providing effective leadership?  Is your team engaged and productive as a result?  Do you need to take the teabag out, make a new cup of tea, or simply drink the steeped tea?

My challenge to you is to ask yourself, are you too steeped in something?  Has it made you bitter instead of better?  If so, sit back for 30 minutes or so and re-prioritize.  Get aligned.  And, most of all, leave room in your schedule for a nice, hot, steeped cup of tea....

Even better... have tea for two with an employee or a loved one.

Pomroy Consulting Inc. provides consulting and coaching services in Human Resources Management, Leadership, and Organizational Development.  Contact Tina Pomroy at Pomroy Consulting Inc.  for a free consultation and add Pomroy Consulting Inc. Facebook page for more frequent ideas, tips, and guidance.